Upcoming events

Annual POPNA Membership meeting
Join POPNA for light bites and coffee at our Annual Membership Meeting. We will meet at the Fretz Library in the Black Box Theater at 9am on February 22nd. Come to learn about this upcoming year for POPNA, all things district 11, and things around our city.

Muffins & Mimosas
Join neighbors at Arapaho Park on June 15th to have some breakfast and kick off summer. We can’t wait to see you there!
Membership Competition
Get the most neighbors to join POPNA on your street and have the chance to win a block party for your street.

Creek Clean up Day
Join as a community to clean up the creek and the neighborhood. We will meet at Arapaho Park before cleaning at 3pm to gather supplies. Please bring the whole family. We will have drinks and sweet treats provided also.

Hop on over to the annual neighborhood Easter Egg hunt. This is a combined POPNA and SCCO event. The Easter Egg Hunt will be March 24, 2024 from 2-3pm. The Egg hut will start promptly at 2:20. The event will be in the field near the playground behind Spring Creek Elementary. (7667 Roundrock Rd.) Popcorn and lemonade will be available after the hunt.
The hunt is for children 12 and under. Children will be divided into groups based on age. Please bring one dozen prefilled eggs for child to one of the two locations below by Friday, March 22. This is your RSVP for the event. When you drop off
Kristin Kaisler- 7818 Chattington Dr.
Stephanie Joseph- 7131 Town Bluff

Galentines Event
Come out and join POPNA and SCCO for a Galentines celebration. We will be at Postino Addison at 7pm. Light appetizers will be provided. This is a come and go event and all ladies in the neighborhood are invited to attend! Please click “view event” below to RSVP for the event. We can’t wait to see you there!

Membership Meeting
Join us for our Annual POPNA Membership Meeting on Saturday, Feb. 3 from 10-11:30 a.m. in the meeting space of Fretz Library. Please click “view event” below to RSVP and let us know you are coming. Enjoy a meet-and-greet with other POPNA neighbors with light breakfast snacks and beverages. Then hear from the POPNA board what’s planned for 2024 and share any additional focuses you’d like our neighborhood to lead.