About Us
50 Years in the Making
PEGC has a rich history. Since 1970, its goal has been to beautify our neighborhood.
When the neighborhood was first developed, the areas mentioned above primarily consisted of bare ground and were rather stark. As a result, a few neighbors decided that something needed to be done.
For the next several years, these determined neighbors pulled together to raise money through garage sales and bake sales. They partnered with real estate agents and reached out to their fellow neighbors for assistance. And eventually, what was once bare ground became something beautifully landscaped and inviting.
Maintaining the Community’s Beauty
The work continues to this day. Specifically, PEGC landscapes and maintains the northeast and northwest corners of Hillcrest and Beltline, the entries at Tangleglen and Meandering Way, and all of the medians and marginal dividers along Hillcrest between Beltline and La Cosa.
The City of Dallas generously provides the water for which we are grateful, but PEGC does all the rest. PEGC is responsible for the irrigation system, the plants, and seasonal colors that greatly enhance our neighborhood. Of course, all of this requires money.
Twice each year, Spring and Fall, PEGC has a fundraiser in which it seeks donations from our neighbors. We would really appreciate your consideration of us during those times.
Working Together to Make a Difference
There are so many women (and a few men, too) who have come before us, and many who are still dedicated after 47 years. We would love to see new faces from our neighborhood join our ranks and continue this valuable service to our community. You do not need to be a gardener, and it is a terrific way to meet your neighbors.
We meet the first Wednesday of every month at 9:30 from September-May. Please email me or Patty Frederick if you are interested in joining PEGC for meeting places and details.
If you are not able to attend these meetings, but would still like to become involved with us, please let us know. We would welcome your interest and participation.
Adding Beauty to the Neighborhood
Perhaps you’ve noticed the beautiful medians and marginal divides of our neighborhood along Hillcrest, not to mention the attractive landscaping on the northeast and northwest corners of Hillcrest and Beltline and entries at Tangleglen and Meandering Way. All of these are the work of the Prestonwood Estates Garden Club, otherwise known as PEGC.